Monday, September 7, 2015

The End! Shows Over, Folks!

So, hey there everyone.  Everything sold last month and I totally forgot about the blog, just like every other blog out there on Blogger.

To those of you that offered me money, thanks so much.  I got three times as much as the second best offer, though.

So let that be a lesson to anyone selling odd collectibles: take your time and don't listen to the "resellers" out there that tell you "Your stuff is only worth $X. Just sell it to me and I'll be there tomorrow."

Of course they'll be there tomorrow.  They don't want you changing your mind.

As it stands, my collection of stuff went to another collector and we're both happy with the deal.
I was even able to buy a car, the '06 convertible on the left.  My buddy got jealous and bit the bullet a few days later on the '14 on the right.  I had a few bucks left over on the deal, whereas his car will have to be paid off.  I guess I'm just more excited over finding used stuff!

Gotta love Craigslist, right?

I'm sad that the wedding fund couldn't have been bigger, but I did get the ok from my fiance to get the ridiculous dream car.  She's happy all the stuff is gone and we get to travel in style.  We took the car on a 12 hour road trip (one way) to Chicago.  What a great trip this whole thing has been!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Nintendo Boxes

I've had some of these pictures on my phone.  I still need to get to the SNES and Gameboys!

 The N64 is my personal N64 from my childhood.  I kept this box as pristine as I could all these years... but didn't know enough to hold on to the manual and inserts!

This Atari 7800 is in great shape, but has a replacement power adapter since the originals are so prone to failure.  No manual or styrofoam.

 I'll be getting to other things tonight, hopefully!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

eBay is Go! and other HTML whoes...

Its up!  Lets see who wants to take all this stuff away from me.  It went up at 8pm EDT and had been up for 4 and a half hours before I realized that my link to this blog was not working.  I don't spend time with HTML (hence the blogger domain!) and I just got it wrong... Argh!

But, now the Infinite Loop is in effect and you can go back and forth from here to there to here and back to there using this link:

Retro Ninendo, Sega, Atari Collection and 800 Games

If you're coming from eBay then take a look further down and over to the previous posts on the menu to look at the pictures.  If anybody wants pictures of specific things on the auction list or have any questions please contact me through eBay.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

eBay Update

No pictures tonight just an update on the eBay Auction I've been working on.  eBay is the only way I'm going to be able to sell everything all in one go, and I'm ok with that.

I've got an incredibly long description up that includes all the boxed things, loose consoles and accessories plus all the Nintendo and Sega games.  I have yet to get into the Atari, Intellivision and Coleco era of cartridges, but once I do the listing will go live.  I spent four hours on the list of games alone tonight.  The last couple days had been spent slowly working on the description of the consoles.

Maybe it'll go up tomorrow and I'll try a 7 Day auction.  I've got to figure out how to get more pics into my description field as well.

Its been fun, detailed oriented work... but exhausting.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Saga of Sega

Heres more of the Sega collection inside and out.  Condition varies with these.  Some, like the Sega Saturn, are in great condition.  Some, like the Master System 3d Glasses, are not.  I'll try to describe each as best I can.  On to the pictures!

Sega Saturn (model 2), no manual or "Bootleg Sampler" disc.

Sega Genesis model 1 with unfortunate sharpie writing on the front.

There is no styrofoam insert for this, just the box.  Its complete otherwise.

The Power Base Convert fits onto a model 1 Genesis and lets you play Sega Master System games.

The aforementioned 3d Glasses.  Box is in rough shape and is missing the foam insert.  The left ear piece is broken off, but its all still there.

Sega Light Phaser!  Good box, foam and phaser.

Off-brand SMS to Game Gear converter.

Four player adapter for EA Sports games.  This one is complete with manuals and unused stickers.

Boxed three button controllers.  Just boxes and controllers.

Complete Menacer for the Genesis with its pack-in game.  Very colorful box in pretty good condition.  Its got what I would call "shelf wear" around the edges.

Off-brand Saturn controller looks to have never been used.

This poor box got smooshed somewhere along it's life.

Samba de Amigo Maracas!  What a fun game this was.  I think this package was for an extra set of maracas since it says the game is sold separately. 

So except for the games this should be all the boxed Sega stuff.  I'll add more if I come across it.  Next up for pictures will be boxed Nintendo.